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    Av. República de El Salvador N34-183 y Suiza Código Postal: 170505 / Quito - Ecuador Teléfono: 593-2 3814000We empower multi-location enterprises to automate scale marketing efforts across all digital channels in a way that’s brand directed, locally perfected, and data connected. As SOCi, Inc. The Marketing Platform for Multi-Location SOCI is a database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within the Standard C++. The idea is to provide SOCI

  • 词根词缀法巧记考研英语词汇:词根soci-(社)_sa - 搜狐

    2019年11月28日  词根词缀法巧记考研英语词汇:词根soci-(社). 含义:伙伴,同伴,社会;交往,联系,联合。. 来源:拉丁语名词socius(伙伴,同伴),及由此衍生的动 SOCi’s social media management solution empowers enterprise and local teams to publish localized content, manage content libraries, respond instantly to social Social - SOCi All In One Social Media Software - Social Originally, SOCI was developed by Maciej Sobczak at CERN as abstraction layer for Oracle, a Simple Oracle Call Interface. Later, several database backends have been developed SOCI/soci: Official repository of the SOCI

  • soci操作数据库(soci:数据库操作的库)-CSDN博客

    2021年9月28日  1.选择soci的原因. 略. 2.soci的特点. ①以stream方式输入sql语句 ②通过into和use语法传递和解析参数 ③支持连接池,线程安全. 备注: 由此可见它只是一个轻 2021年10月10日  简介soci是用c编写的数据库访问库,使人将sql查询嵌入常规c代码中,而完全位于标准c中。 这个想法是为C程序员提供一种以最自然,最直观的方式访问SQL数 C++ 通用数据库操作之SOCI - HelloWorld开发者社区

  • “خدمة الرعاية لدينا ، تصنيع سعر القلب الدقيق ، العملاء في سهولة.”

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